Friday, June 25, 2010

twinkle star

When Fern began to say her first words, she called stars 'twinkles'...I suppose because we sang 'Twinkle twinkle little star' to her every night as we laid her down to sleep. She eventually began to call them 'twinkle stars', and now she just calls them stars most likely because we unintentionally correct her by calling them stars ourselves. But when I asked her what this was in the picture, she said it was a twinkle and it made me so happy.

And here are a few more from the other day. This is what I get when I ask her to smile at me:

And another lovely smile:

Trying to open the water bottle with all of her might and then some... she already knows how to exaggerate. uh-oh, we're in for it! ;)

1 comment:

MimiandPapa said...

The little shirt is beautiful. Glad it worked.