Friday, January 15, 2010

New Years Resolution

One of my New Year's Resolutions is to try to take photos of things other than Fern. And post them here or maybe just on Flickr. One of them being food I make. I think it will help me to slow down and make my food prettier and more presentable. I want to slow down. Is that possible with children? Sometimes we will eat dinner with half of the table covered in books and mail and other junk. Not very relaxing. Here are a couple of things I made last week from Miro's new cookbook, Chakra Recipes!

Spinach Potage Soup:

And Crispy Pumpkin:

Check it out if you are into vegan food, especially if you live on Guam because the dishes are made with items available here on island! http:/www.

Just click on works, then chakra recipes. You can also see some of her amazing artwork here, which is included in her beautiful cookbook. Don't let the Japanese scare you, the recipes are also written in English. ;)


Else Demeulenaere said...

beautiful pictures, nice food!!!! Mmm, the table thing is a problem ... mine is always covered with stuff!

Ginger said...

Wish I could bring some food to Garden Day this week. I'll be thinking of you guys. :) And, Else, no worries, I wouldn't even THINK about having a clean table with 3 kids, 4 and under!!!!